Do you know an impressive young woman? Sponsor her as a Queen Candidate!
The winner will win a $1000 college scholarship from the Chassell Lions Club!
Only accepting 12 candidates this year –
once we reach 12, registration will be closed!
Candidate Requirements:
A young woman of good character
Actively involved in her community and/or school
Between the ages of 16 and 19
Has attended, or is currently attending, High School
in the Copper Country (Keweenaw, Houghton, Baraga
or Ontonagon county) -
Proud to represent your organization or business
Candidates will be judged in 2 categories:
Personal Interviews & Stage Competition
Candidates must be available for the following events:
June Lions Club Meeting
2nd Week of July Personal Interviews with the Judges
2nd Week of July Radio Interviews (early morning)
Community Strawberry Cleaning Bee (Thursday evening)
Pageant Practice
Friday morning - Serving shortcake at the Festival
Stage Competition and Coronation Ceremony
Saturday Strawberry Festival Parade
Registration Form, Photos (uploaded to google drive) and Fees must be received by May 19th
Any questions or for more information please call or text Lara Neves (906)370-7739
or email: