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The Chassell Lions Club was chartered in May 1946 with 36 members, to serve the needs of the Lions International, the County, and in particular, the citizens of Chassell Township. The club currently has 78 members and proudly hosts the Copper Country Strawberry Festival in Chassell each July.
2023 - 2024 Board Members:
President: George Stockero
Past President: Steve Palosaari
1st Vice President: Mary Crane
2nd Vice President: Stephanie Graf
3rd Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Christina Smigowski
Secretary: Dan Crane
Recording Secretary/Membership Director: Judy Evert
Festival Treasurer/Director: Shari Stockero
Directors: Lois Berg, Lynn Gierke, Barb Worall, Ross Rinkinen, Neil Ahola
*The 1st Vice President assumes the presidential role AT the Festival and typically holds that role for two years.

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